Northlake Campus, Manager, 4E and 5S
I witness Methodist’ commitment to serving and meeting the needs of its community every day with its different outreach programs and education and the collaboration with community members and local councilmen.
Methodist Hospitals is unique in that it puts its mission, vision and values into action. They’re not just words; they are actionable items that are worked on daily. They’re also consistent with my desire to ensure quality, safe, compassionate, and evidence-based care to this community and for Methodist to be their hospital of choice. The feeling of “community” and “ownership” among the employees and physicians is also part of my vision.
My management approach aligns with Methodist’s mission, vision and values in that I display empathy and respect. I expect excellence from myself to my staff and patients, and I expect the same from my staff to their peers and to our patients. My leadership style is best described as “coaching”. I encourage my team members to take ownership of our unit and to hold each other accountable to ensure a culture of belonging, responsibility and safety. My priority is to my team members. I’m committed to ensuring that they have the supplies and skills they need to perform their jobs to the best of their ability each day. I help to nurture their current skills and give them opportunities to develop new ways to deliver care. Clear expectations are set, and I coach them, as needed, to meet those expectations.
I keep communication open and honest. I acknowledge team members daily for small and big accomplishments and jobs well done. I’m always available and lend a hand where I can. I even supply meals and snacks. I encourage and coach team members to participate in the unit’s management. I follow up on everything that is brought to my attention and hold everyone accountable to the same standards and expectations.
Methodist is committed to delivering quality, evidence-based care. I was surprised and impressed by that with when I came here last year. Methodist invests a lot of resources into ensuring that nurses are delivering care based on best practices. Also, there are many opportunities for nurses to continue to learn and grow in their respective specialties. Our nursing leadership is committed to developing innovations to improve patient care and care delivery systems that nurture growth and collaboration in safe environments.