Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer Screenings SAVE LIVES
Unsure if You’re a Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer Screening Candidate? Call 219-757-7212
Recent research found that Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer Screenings helped reduce mortality among those at high risk for developing lung cancer by 20%.
According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the eligibility criteria for
Low-Dose CT Lung Screening include:
- 50 to 77 years of age
- 20 pack-year history, (the number of packs smoked daily multiplied by the number of years as a smoker)
- Current smokers or former smokers who quit within the last 15 years
- Additional risk factors, such as:
— Occupational or radon exposure
— A first-degree family history of the disease
— A chronic lung condition
Are you a current or former smoker?
Don’t let this chance to detect lung cancer at earlier, more curable stages GO UP IN SMOKE!
CALL 219-757-7212 to learn if you’re a candidate for the Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer Screening.
Current and former smokers benefit from this potentially lifesaving technology. COVERED by Medicare and most insurance plans.