Sarah McGraw was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) when she was just 18 years old. Now, 30 years later, Sarah reflects on her journey, her struggles, and the incredible impact that one doctor had on her life.
Her battle with MS has been marked by significant challenges, particularly with her vision.
“If I get any more cases of optic neuritis, I will probably lose my sight,” she said.
Her MS has also caused severe muscle spasticity, issues with vertigo, and frequent falls. Sarah felt like she was on a downward spiral for many years as her symptoms worsened and her quality of life diminished.
“I was tired and wanted to sleep all the time,” Sarah said. “I had no motivation and had lost my love for life because I felt so bad all the time.”
But everything changed when she became a patient of William Conte, MD, MS, a board-certified neurologist and multiple sclerosis specialist at Methodist Hospitals.
“Sarah’s journey with MS has been particularly challenging because she’s had the disease for so long,” Dr. Conte said. “We’ve had to be very proactive and thoughtful about managing her symptoms and finding the most effective treatments.”
Dr. Conte’s approach to Sarah’s treatment was both aggressive and compassionate. He prescribed a monthly infusion regimen that Sarah credits with saving her vision.
“My MS loved to attack my optic nerves, but I have not had a single case of optic neuritis since I found Dr. Conte,” she says.
“The critical window for treating MS effectively is at the onset of the disease, and unfortunately, Sarah couldn’t benefit from that early intervention because there weren’t high efficacy medications when she was diagnosed 30 years ago. It’s like playing catch-up with her condition, ” Dr. Conte said. “Her vision issues were a major concern. By putting her on a more effective treatment regimen, we were able to stop the progression of those problems.”
This treatment, along with others, helped Sarah regain control of her life. Her migraines, once a debilitating part of her existence, have been significantly reduced thanks to Botox injections and medication. Beyond just treating her symptoms, Dr. Conte has been a beacon of hope for Sarah.
“He is by far the best. He’s the only doctor I’ve ever had that I trust 100%. I know he always has my best interest at heart,” Sarah said. “He always updates me on all the treatments. It gave me hope again. I can live again. I love life again.”
“Managing MS isn’t just about stopping disease activity,” Dr. Conte said, “it’s also about addressing the existing damage. For Sarah, that meant not only controlling her MS but also dealing with the chronic symptoms she developed over the years.”
Sarah’s story is not just one of struggle, but of resilience and renewal. She raised four children on her own, always working hard despite the toll MS took on her body. Even as her MS has progressed to a more advanced stage, Sarah remains optimistic, knowing that Dr. Conte is committed to finding the best possible treatments for her.