Every 4 seconds in the United States, someone becomes a victim of a violent crime. Violence affects everyone, regardless of race, age, gender, income, or lifestyle. In the immediate aftermath of violence, the victim may be injured, scared, confused, and unsure where to turn. Methodist Hospitals understand that survivors deserve compassionate, patient-centered, and trauma-informed care.
The STAR Center
The STAR Center at Methodist Hospital is a secure, private treatment center which provides medical forensic services to survivors of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, child abuse, human-trafficking, elder abuse, and more. After registering in the emergency department, the triage nurse will notify STAR Center staff if forensic services are needed and requested. Our goal is to avoid further traumatization and to help survivors on their path to healing.
Our Staff
Forensic Nurse Examiners (also known as Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners, or SANEs) are specially trained nurses who use a trauma-informed approach to caring for victims of violence. They are trained in evidence collection, injury identification, forensic photography, and safety planning. They also receive training in providing courtroom testimony based on their exams and findings. Based on the patient’s needs and/or choices, the Forensic Nurse Examiner may also collaborate with other professionals and community partners, such as:
- Victim Advocacy
- Law Enforcement
- Department of Child Services
- Adult Protective Services
- Human Trafficking Agencies
- Specially trained medical providers
Your Care
In addition to providing compassionate, quality care for our patient’s emergent medical needs, the staff at the STAR Center can offer the following options:
- Comprehensive medical forensic exam
- Prophylactic (preventative) medications for possible exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV post-exposure prophylaxis
- Emergency contraception (Plan B or “morning after pill”)
- Medical forensic evidence collection (“rape kit”)
- Injury identification and documentation (including photography)
- Safety planning
- Referrals for follow-up care and community resources
Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Forensic Exams
What is a medical forensic exam?
A medical forensic exam is a complete head-to-toe examination performed following a physical or sexual assault. It can include photography and evidence collection, as well as detailed documentation of injuries. It is done by a forensic nurse, who is specially trained to care for people who have experienced violence.
Who can get a medical forensic exam?
The STAR Center’s services are available regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, immigration status, income level, and disability. Some of the populations our nurses provide exams to are:
- Adults, teenagers, and children who have experienced sexual assault
- People who have experienced assault by a current or former intimate partner
- People who have been experienced an assault by a relative or family member
- People who are victims of human trafficking, including forced labor and sex trafficking
Do I have to make a police report if I get an exam?
Generally speaking, no. The STAR Center’s services are available whether or not you choose to report your assault to the police. We will keep your information confidential unless you ask us to share it or we are required to make a mandatory report, such as incidents involving children.
What happens during the exam?
During the exam, the forensic nurse will:
- Ask you about your medical history and any physical symptoms
- Ask you to describe the assault
- Do a complete physical exam
- Identify and document your injuries
- Take photos of injuries and other findings
- Collect physical evidence (not all cases)
- Administer medications to prevent sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, and/or HIV (sexual assault only)
- Make referrals for advocacy or other services, as needed
The patient controls every aspect of the exam. You have the right to decline any part of the exam or request that the nurse use different techniques for your comfort.
I don’t have any bruises or injuries. Why should I get an exam?
Even if you don’t see injuries, you may still be at risk of complications, especially if you were strangled (or “choked”) during the assault. The forensic nurse will do a thorough evaluation to determine if you need any follow-up care or testing. We also use special forensic tools to better see bruising and injuries that are difficult to see with the naked eye. We can document those difficult-to-see injuries with photographs and written descriptions.
I don’t plan to press charges. Why should I get an exam?
An exam is about more than just collecting evidence for an investigation. Forensic nurses are specially trained to care for your health following an assault. They will look for injuries, including those that you cannot see, and symptoms of complications and recommend follow-up care. If you choose to later report to police, the documentation and evidence collected at the time of the exam can be used.
When should I get an exam?
It is best to have a medical forensic exam as soon after the assault as possible, especially in cases of sexual assault. Sexual assault evidence kits (“rape kits”) can be collected up to 5 days after a sexual assault, even if you have taken a shower or bath. However, medical forensic exams can be useful even if performed later. The forensic nurse can still evaluate your injuries and make sure that you are healing appropriately.
How long does the exam take?
Typically, sexual assault exams can take 2-4 hours and physical assault exams take 1-3 hours. The length of the exam depends on the number and type of injuries sustained. Our forensic nurses want to make sure they are performing a thorough exam and documenting any findings accurately.
How much does the exam cost?
In cases of sexual assault, the costs of the emergency room visit and the medical forensic exam are covered by a state fund. You may be asked to complete an application so that we may bill the state on your behalf.
For other violent assaults, the forensic nurse will provide you with information about applying for reimbursement through the state’s Violent Crimes Victim Compensation fund. They can even assist you in completing the application and making sure the application is returned to the state.
Can the exam prove that I was assaulted?
A medical forensic exam can provide evidence that can be used during a criminal investigation and prosecution or a civil case, but the exam itself cannot prove that an assault did or did not happen. However, it may give you useful information that helps you decide your next steps.
If You or Someone You Know Are a Victim of Violence:
- Get to a safe place.
- Contact 911 if you need immediate emergency assistance.
- If possible, avoid showering or changing clothes.
- Go to the Emergency Department at Methodist Hospital Northlake. You will be connected with the STAR Center staff.
Additional Resources:
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) – www.rainn.org or 800-656-HOPE (24-hour hotline)
Fair Haven Rape Crisis Center – www.fairhavenrcc.org or 219-218-2552 (24-hour crisis hotline)
Indiana Criminal Justice Institute – www.in.gov/cji
Indiana Rights of Victims of Sexual Assault
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233 or text START to 88788
National Human Trafficking Hotline: 888-373-7888 or text HELP or INFO to “BEFREE” (233733)
Haven House Domestic Violence Shelter: www.havenhousedvs.org or 219-931-2090 (24-hour Crisis Hotline)
St. Jude House: www.stjudehouse.org or 800-254-1286 (24-hour Crisis Hotline)
myPlan App (safety planning app for those experiencing abuse in an intimate relationship): www.myplanapp.org